Sunday 19 June 2011

One egg is confirmed!

I saw Mrs Esme Lovey-Dovey off her nest today.  Twice.  The first time she was on top of the dovecote flirting with Harry.  I thought at first that Daisy had got out again but when I started walking down to check who was up there she flew quickly back to her nest.  How awful that I had immediately thought it was Harry flirting with other women, as if he would do such a thing.  Oh, yes, ok he is an awful flirt so that was the most likely scenario.  

The second time I saw her she was on the bird table feeding.  I have to say I was really glad to see that because I have not seen her leave the nest to feed for weeks.  Common sense tells me she must have or she would be dead by now but I don't know when she does it.  I took the opportunity to have a peek at her nest and  I am happy to confirm there is one egg in there.  She had been on there so long I was thinking there might be some babies but a lonely egg was all I saw.  

These two sightings started me thinking that maybe she was going to give up on her brooding but she has been back sitting all day again.  I still suspect the egg may be no good because it really has been weeks.  HH and I have been discussing when she started sitting, he thinks its less time than me.  I really wish I had kept up the garden diary I started in January.  I suppose if there were some significance to her being off her nest could mean either that the egg is going to hatch soon or that she is starting to have doubts about it as I first thought.  Knowing my birds its the latter.  Only time will tell!

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