It's been unbelievably wet and windy here this week. There has been rain every day and it has been dark most of the time. This time last week there were still quite a lot of leaves on the trees but in the past few days they have all been stripped off and scattered over my lawn, it looked like a leaf patterned 1970's carpet. If you can call it a lawn that is, it's more like a patch of grass, weeds and fungus which just happens to be outside my back door and that's just how I like it. Anyway, the wind. I have laid in bed every night listening to the trees being thoroughly whipped by the wind, hearing watering cans and other small objects going crashing across the patio. It's actually been quite dramatic but it was really getting beyond a joke.
This morning I got up to a lovely sight. Bright sunshine coming through the bare trees. It was still windy but it had changed direction. After strewing (is strewing a word?) the leaves all over the lawn it had blown them all neatly to the edges of the wood, just as if Mother Nature had been out there with her garden vac/blower all night. Very tidy. Even better it was not raining! It was however still howling a gale and the trees were thrashing about in all directions.
I did my usual dash out into the garden to see a flock of about 100 Pink-footed Geese come over at about 10am. I still can't stop myself dropping everything and dashing out to see them, they are just wonderful. It was still blowing strongly and I stood frozen, battered by the wind, staring upwards with my hair blowing in all directions. Then after I went indoors the strangest thing happened. Within about two minutes the wind totally dropped. It was really eerie, we actually saw it stop. I can't say I have ever seen anything quite like it. After a while a breeze came up but not proper wind like it had been. All very strange. Another of Nature's mysteries.